Ruth Circle
Ruth Circle meets at 1:30 PM on 2nd Wednesday at various homes of members who volunteer to host the meeting.
Martha Circle
Martha Circle meets 10:00 AM on 2nd Tuesday each month in the Memorial Room of the Church.
Extend your growth in the company of Christian women. Presbyterian women meet and study the work of the Lord in a comfortable, open environment.
The Coordinating Team of the Women of Honey Creek Presbyterian Church meet regularly to plan for annual events, coordinate with other Session Committees in the needs of the church, and provide monetary support for mission projects through the Women of the Miami Presbytery and the Synod of the Covenant. Instead of sewing projects for overseas missions, annual offerings for Blanket Sunday and Tools for Hope sponsored through Church Women United are collected in worship service as is the Thank Offering. The Birthday Offering and Least Coin Offerings collected at the circle meetings are among those that are sent to the Women of Miami Presbytery for distribution through Presbyterian Church USA agencies.